Mop and bucket-Cleaning


Shop here for fabulous eco-friendly cleaning products for your home or business that won’t contribute to an unhealthy, indoor environment or contaminated waterways through conscious consumerism.

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Spending 90% of our time indoors, it is important to avoid sick building syndrome. One contributor to sick building syndrome is through the use of toxic pollutants, such as from ammonia and chlorine, which humans absorb through air and skin contact. It is also important the pollutants not be absorbed in the outdoor environment. Once in the water ways, the toxic pollutant negatively spreads with far reaching ramifications. Feel free to read more on the importance of a healthy, indoor environment.

An alternative is using eco-friendly cleaning products that are made from natural, organic, and/or biodegradable ingredients, preferably that were sustainably sourced with reduced or zero-waste packaging. 

Here are some great eco-friendly products that check off many of these boxes for your sustainable lifestyle.

Multi-purpose Cleaners

7th Generation Multi Purpose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Product

Natural ingredients, manufactured in the USA, and sourced in the USA and globally.

Made with plant-derived ingredients and essential oils.

Rug & Carpet Cleaners

Non-toxic and biodegradable made from grapefruit seed and orange peel extracts

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