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Read the latest on ENERGY STAR resources on Building Products.
Windows, Doors & Skylights
According to ENERGY STAR, ENERGY STAR certified windows lowers household energy bills by an average of 12%. Read more on the benefits of ENERGY STAR certified windows, doors and skylights, or search for more ENERGY STAR certified windows, doors and skylights. Ensure to check your zone first before purchasing.
According to ENERGY STAR, ENERGY STAR certified roofing products reflect more of the sun’s rays reducing the building’s heat transfer amount, thereby lowering peak cooling demand by 10-15%. This is a savings on your air conditioning usage and utility bill. Read about the types of roofing that lowers your utility bills, or search for more ENERGY STAR certified roofing products.
Seal & Insulate
According to ENERGY STAR, adding insulation to your home can save you up to 10% in your annual energy bills. Simple weather stripping and caulking fixes can provide additional energy and cost savings. Read about how to identify what fixes can lower your utility bills, or search for more ENERGY STAR certified insulation products.
Storm Windows
According to ENERGY STAR, ENERGY STAR certified storm windows use low-e glass (low emissivity glass) instead of clear glass to improve your home’s energy performance. Read the storm window buying guide, or search for more ENERGY STAR certified storm windows.